Why in 2023-2024 investors choose Lombok instead of Bali? | Alesinvest Group
Why in 2023-2024 investors choose Lombok instead of Bali?
05 October 2023

This month our company became a partner of the international real estate platform Realting.com

We are pleased to inform you that the CEO of Alesinvest Group, Angelica Mir, shared expert opinion on real estate investments in Indonesia and answered the editorial office of the portal to the most important questions.

🌴Why did the Indonesian government switch from Bali to popularizing other directions?
⚡Which island is coming to the fore now, and why should investors rush there?
🏘What are the means of tenure available to foreigners, and which of them is more recent?

All of this in detail can be found on the portal at
Why investors are choosing Lombok over Bali in 2023-2024 (realting.com)

Why in 2023-2024 investors choose Lombok instead of Bali?
05 October 2023
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